This time, I'm really doing it. Really.

I'm not one of those determined Type A individuals who can make a decision to do something and then doggedly keep at it until it is finished, brushing off obstacles and setting aside distractions until I've met my goal. I'm more of a high functioning Type B sort of person: It get stuff done, but I juggle distractions and sidestep obstacles all along the way even if it means a few trips down tangent trails until I loop back around to my original track. Somehow, I get to the finish line but it's definitely in a more relaxed manner. I know this because I live and run with a Type A husband and he and I have very different attack strategies when it comes to things. Take running as an example. In 2000, he decided (rather out of the blue) that he would like to get into running. He'd never been a runner before, but somehow he decided he'd like to take up the sport. Being the Type A determined guy that he is, he decided his first big goal would be no less th...