Running Through Cancer - Find Your People

I'm about six weeks into my cancer journey now. On one hand, this has been such an unexpected path to pop up in my life suddenly, and on the other it sounds like a long time ago. Six weeks to accept the diagnosis, six weeks to choose the attitude I intend to go forward with in the face of this beast. Six weeks to really understand that I have cancer. Cancer is such a broad name for this disease, because it can mean so many things. There are important additives to that word. The stage of cancer, the location of cancer, the size, the intensity of its growth are all add ons that clarify and quantify the threat to life. In my case, I have the luxury of saying mine is stage 1, it's breast cancer and it's not near my chest wall, it's small and I appear to have had it detected before it starts to take over. These are great things; and yet, it is still cancer. There is still the potential threat to my life. Certainly, it has already affec...