Running Through Breast Cancer - 1 year later

First chemo infusion When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, the word that resonated with me was RESOLUTE. It felt so fateful, that diagnosis. This was the beginning of the end. As much as my mind was telling me I was being dramatic, I also couldn't completely squelch the fearful part of my brain that envisioned saying goodbye to my husband and kids, and wondering what their life would be like without me. It was only breast cancer, and I'd caught it early, but "only breast cancer" isn't really a thing. It's freaking BREAST CANCER and people die of that! I'd never had a disease that had the capacity to kill me. This one had been cut out and come back in less than two years, so the fight was on and I was taking the deep dive into full surgeries and chemotherapy. Until now, my only risk for death had been by freak accident or my own stupidity. January - 2nd chemo & hair is gone Fast forward through a year and my current mindset is P...