Ragnar Napa is Ten Days Away!

I've totally strayed off course from my training plans for Ragnar.  The Granite Head Trails and Ales race totally knocked me off track.  I had a complete breakdown at mile 9 of the 11 mile race and had to walk the last 2 full miles.  Up to that point, I was feeling awesome!

I haven't had this particular pain in a couple years.  It's a pretty classic IT Band syndrome.  I'm sure it was just a factor of ramping up my mileage too aggressively.  The amount of added mileage I take on needs to be slow and steady in this new post-chemo body because I just heal slower now.  I guess I was pushing myself to see where that edge was.  Found it!

So I took a full week off from running.  I added a series of strength building exercises to my daily routine in place of my usual running.  I will need to get in another long run, at least 8 miles because that's my longest single stretch for Ragnar.

I think I'm pretty much on the home stretch at this point.  Whatever endurance, strength and energy I have built up at this point is basically the amount I bring to the party at Ragnar.

10 Days to Ragnar:

Last Week: 3 miles
Also Last Week: Strength Training 7 days
2018: 366 miles so far
Goal -- ramp back up and get on track!


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