Food to Run On

I'm trying to reduce the amount of grains I'm eating, mostly to give my body some whole foods that are unprocessed to run on.  This means no cereals, granola bars, toast, etc in the morning.  One tasty treat I've been enjoying lately is a protein smoothie.

8-12 oz Coconut Milk (I like the vanilla flavored because I still crave SWEET)
2 Tbsp Cocoa Powder
1/2 a Banana
1Tbsp Peanut butter (or Almond)
2 Tbsp Agave (adjust to taste)
2 Tbsp Organic Rice Protein (any protein powder is fine, I like this because it's vegan and very simple)

Add enough ice to make it smoothie consistency and blend in a blender or Bullet-type unit.

I drink this an hour or so before a run.  It seems to keep my energy flowing, I think it adds some hydration and the protein keeps me from having any blood sugar drops/spikes.  Add some mixed nuts on the side and you've got a great snack!


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